Sunday, April 13, 2014

Yeah- fishing

Well this week provided me with a lot less material.

I had one trip on Friday, so I will start with that one. I started the trip like I have every time. I got all the stuff ready, like the boat and tackle, but this time I remembered to bring my camera and a tape measure. I set out to fish and tried trolling around the lake with both rods out at the same time. I am pretty sure that I didn't catch anything at first. so I moved to the sweet spot in the northeastern corner, and I caught a little 8 inch white bass just a few yards away from the dock. This was a welcome development because if the white bass in the trout lake are active, the bass in the river are not far behind. I was onto a rainbow trout in a few minutes after that, but the fishing slowed down after that.

I tried moving to the eastern part of the lake to see if any of the fish over there were interested. It was then that I discovered the terrible truth- the place is infested with snapping turtles. All the ripples that I had seen at that part of the lake were in fact turtles. Just turtles! And I made this face.

When I got over this crushing realization, I tried the northeast again, and I promptly lost my Rapala on a log- the only log in that part of the lake. I got over it pretty quickly when I caught very hard-fighting 13 inch trout. The wind started to die down and the sun had already set when this awesome silence came over the lake. The water looked like smooth glass and you could see every little disturbance on the surface. There were some people fishing on the shore in the direction I was headed, so I reeled my rod in to change direction and found a little 10 inch trout flailing around with my hook in its mouth. I released it and immediately hooked into a 10 inch white bass. I kept fishing until I needed a flashlight, but I didn't get anything more.

The next day I went out with only one broken Rapala left. The wind was entirely intolerable and I quickly lost that last Rapala- on the very same log that I lost the last one. The wind was so bad that I quit kayaking altogether and tried my luck from the shore.

I was fishing with these new Berkley Flicker shad, but all I could interest was a little largemouth that was hiding in two feet of water. I saw one big cloud coming from the north, and it kept coming until it was clear that it brought lightning into the area. There is just something about being in the middle of a lake with a rod in my hand and a lightning storm on above my head that just makes me uneasy. So I left and took the opportunity to get some new lures at Dick's. I ended up getting these two sweet looking shadbaits.
 Don't these look awesome.

There is nothing more really. The sad part is that the highlight of my week was spending $11 on new lures.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm so sorry I'm so behind on your posts! I just read your "best sports" and "worst sports" posts on your other blog. I agree that ultimate frisbee and dodgeball are definitely towards the top. I do like basketball, too, though I am terrible when trying to play it.

    I'm glad you can enjoy fishing with this warmer weather! (Except for today, of course...more snow!)
